Trovati “nazi-tatuaggi” su alcuni del battaglione Azov. Malgrado ciò, c’è chi (@rusembitaly) non ferma la “operazione speciale” e milioni di tonnellate di grano ucraino sono bloccati, con il rischio di crisi alimentare planetaria: non sarà che i nazi si nascondono pure nei silos?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) May 28, 2022
As @KremlinRussia_E is running after presumed Nazis in Ukraine ( and @mfa_russia accuses @EU_Commission of becoming bellicose, trespassing on your neighbor’s garden using tanks with a “Z”painted on them it may be considered by future generations as Zazism.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) May 14, 2022
In case on May 9 @KremlinRussia_E will announce the Doomsday, let’s keep in mind that there was also a D-Day which led US & UK (@POTUS @10DowningStreet), together with the USSR (which no longer exists), to be the co-winners of WWII: going back to #Mariupol, or direct to Wariupol?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) May 7, 2022
@Pontifex_it: “NATO barking at Russia’s doors” could have been the reason for the start of the special operation in Ukraine. Given that there’s a difference between a bark and a bite, where’s the beef for @KremlinRussia_E, in the denazification or in the denatification? (@POTUS)
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) May 3, 2022
Firenze, 23.4.22
Lo scorso 2.4.22, poche ore prima che venisse reso noto dalla stampa l’eccidio di Bucha, era stato rispolverato un passaggio del 2015 scritto dal dissidente russo Kasparov sull’abbattimento del volo MH17 di luglio 2014: “I vertici dei separatisti locali immediatamente si vantarono pubblicamente di aver fatto esplodere quello che pensavano fosse un altro velivolo militare ucraino, per poi ritirare quelle dichiarazioni e cancellare i post non appena si venne a sapere che era un aereo civile” ( ). Read More →
Unless another sink tank is needed, since @KremlinRussia_E claims to have “completely cleared” the urban area of #Mariupol (but leaving behind a humanitarian catastrophe), now it’s time to rename the so called “special military operation” with its real purpose: Dongas operation.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) April 19, 2022
@ZelenskyyUa To prevent further disasters (e.g. Dresden and Grozny) or play Russian roulette with other’s people lives, a solution could be to SIT DOWN planning to hold referendums in Crimea & Donbas, under the supervision of @UN.
Tide now (@KremlinRussia_E @POTUS) is too high.🇺🇦— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 7, 2022