While @POTUS announces to send 31 Abrams tanks to 🇺🇦, and 🇩🇪 confirms the delivery of 14 Leopard, @ZelenskyyUa praises the announcements as @KremlinRussia_E’s amb. to 🇩🇪 says Berlin’s decision takes the conflict “to a new level of confrontation”, climate change sighs: “Tank You”. pic.twitter.com/edr431vYZN
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 26, 2023
Italian host @BrunoVespa of the late night TV talk show @RaiPortaaPorta, while in Kyiv, seems to have spoiled the ending of the most popular Italian song contest (@SanremoRai). But with or without @ZelenskyyUa, ‘The Song Remains the Same’ (https://t.co/SaytEi1wVo). https://t.co/sgRs6IH9lB pic.twitter.com/bvQZjBlnta
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 24, 2023
Last June Putin announced that the life of a Russian soldier is worth 5 Mln roubles (https://t.co/c5cgyRbxU6 @republic).
After Makiivka (https://t.co/FiXUUKIumr @BBC), hasn’t the @KremlinRussia_E heard, in view of an exit strategy, that troubles can get heavier than roubles? pic.twitter.com/kBRzQjrLs3— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 5, 2023
Trainspotting a carousel train between a column of vehicles retreating/fleeing from Kherson 🇺🇦 (https://t.co/CmLc0B8pMC @repubblica), literally going off the rails, instead of a humiliation for the @KremlinRussia_E, hopefully, it will be remembered as an educational potty train.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 11, 2022
“I hope the Russians love their children too” (Sting): definitely not Ukrainians’, according to @RT_com (https://t.co/6fEqazySJg).
But now, thanks to @bellincat, we know the grown-up faces of those @KremlinRussia_E born killers. https://t.co/ceutg0725T pic.twitter.com/nYDXHEHtUo— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) October 25, 2022
The coldblooded murder of the Ukrainian conductor Kerpatenko in Kherson shows the difference between adhesion and annexation (denied by Razov of @rusembitaly during IT talk show @RaiPortaaPorta).
After all, what kind of music can we expect from a bunker minded? (@KremlinRussia_E) https://t.co/XfwoILDlpu pic.twitter.com/jvwC2WZ6Ow— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) October 17, 2022
Striking a playground (https://t.co/XguRUfXHBd @Corriere), as the @KremlinRussia_E just did in Kyiv (whether by serendipity or by stupidity is redundant since kids aren’t simply pins), it’s like ‘Bowling for Columbine’.
Children of the World, Unite! (@UNICEF @ZelenskyyUa @POTUS) pic.twitter.com/6xtypbURX6— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) October 11, 2022
After months of brinkmanship “Your time has come to shine”, @SecBlinken, especially trying to find an off-ramp of this ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ (https://t.co/jKBAVKtnQx): with Blinkenmanship (@ZelenskyyUa @KremlinRussia_E @POTUS @rusembitaly @AmbasciataUSA @USCGFlorence @UN). pic.twitter.com/ySIV6C2Lmc
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) October 9, 2022
@MedvedevRussiaE:“new regions can be defended with strategic nuclear weapons” (https://t.co/6YFTgFlzrw @Reuters). Such remarks may be caused by alcohol abuse with the side effect of brain obnubilation which brings someone not to distinguish anymore between a beer and a bier.(@UN) pic.twitter.com/S87X1IDDGx
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) September 22, 2022
The Honourable Society of the UK will be eternally grateful to @KremlinRussia_E for not having bombed Westminster Cathedral while @ZelenskyyUa‘s wife was attending Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.
Because, like diamonds, missiles are forever. (@UN) pic.twitter.com/LXfFMCPSPJ— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) September 21, 2022