All’indomani delle elezioni USA, dopo aver chiromanticamente preannunciato su ‘LaVerità’ del 12.11.20 «prove scioccanti» da parte di Rudolph Giuliani su presunti brogli ( ), non è che @mgmaglie soffra di depressione da Post Scriptum?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) April 10, 2021
True that in EN the word “escort”, used by @alanfriedmanit on nat’l. IT TV to label former @FLOTUS @MELANIATRUMP, could have a different meaning (e.g. Biden now seems Fauci’s science escort vs. Trump’s theories): however, it’s hard to dodge a bullet wearing a colander as a helmet
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 22, 2021
I beg your pardon? Following Paul Manafort, now the Florentine Tommaso Buti, Rick Renzi, and many others upon the catwalk ( @WhiteHouse): ‘Big Dirty Money’ first class members?
Oh when they say go marshing in.— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 20, 2021
Recalling that today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the 2024 @GOP‘s campaign, instead of #MAGA, in the name of ‘peace, service, justice, & courage’ hopefully will lend a helping hand to #MIGA (Make Income tax Great Again).
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 18, 2021
Unlike the 2017 Tax March organized by @jentaub to demand @POTUS to Make his Income tax Great Again, the recent ‘all-in’ of Capitol Hill was anything but a pacific one: to conceal that white collars matter? As of Jan. 20 2021, how many pennies will be worth a pence? (@Mike_Pence)
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 16, 2021
Impeach State, not Peach State: that’s how Georgia will probably be nicknamed. And if someone like Carl Bernstein blames it on a ‘Criminal @POTUS‘ ( ), after all we’ve seen at Capitol Hill, no matter who you voted for, like in a limbo, United We Strand.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) January 9, 2021
First digging into PA, MI, WI, GA, TX, then, the cherry on top, into @USSupremeCourt.@realDonaldTrump Constitutional claims should be staked before Election Day (like I did
Maybe our Commander in Chef’s specialty is pasta with conspiracy cla(i)ms?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) December 12, 2020
Is there anybody out there aware of the difference between a pink slip and a Freudian slip?
It could be represented by a man in the street ( @realDonaldTrump ) as he lies DOMINIONless amidst an escape from reality and a Freudian fraud. ( @washingtonpost )— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) December 5, 2020
@JZarif @vonderleyen A stuffed and transitional Thanksgiving Turkey for President-elect @JoeBiden .
Steely Don ( @realDonaldTrump ) did it again? ( )— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 28, 2020
Oh, what fun will be next Xmas to see Santa Claus riding on a one horse sleighty sleigh.
With skyrocketing contagions, the longer the transition ( @Transition46 ), the bigger the dilemma: it’s better to be sleepy ( @JoeBiden ), or sloppy ( @realDonaldTrump )?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 12, 2020