Mentre @mannocchia su @LaStampa stava scrivendo ai pacifisti “venite in Ucraina e capirete”, @GiuseppeConteIT auspicava un “rovesciamento” per le elezioni di midterm USA (, come se il @GOP fosse estraneo alla lobby delle armi tipo @NRA. Pacem in Mortibus?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 9, 2022
Facing 2024 assault (or whatsoever form of election may take place), how come the @GOP totally rejected the ‘Build Back Better’ @WhiteHouse agenda?
That’s the global warning which should be targeted to those patriots who deny global warming (and claim more “beachfront property”).— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) October 21, 2022
Unless someone took Latin classes with Dan Quayle, with the ‘West Virginia v. @epa‘ ( @USSupremeCourt seems to be lost in translation since common law is based on “stare decisis”. Clean Water Act is next? And are we going after a green or greedy economy?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) July 14, 2022
Some 🇷🇺shift stance on children’s hospital bombing in Mariupol, but a “Former @FoxNews Director Landed in Jail for Pushing Putin Propaganda” ( As things stand, can we replace the old ‘Fix It Again Tony’ with ‘Fox It Again Trump’? (@KremlinRussia_E @POTUS)
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 14, 2022
Since the 2022 @CPAC had a special guest ( ), who better than the all-nighter of Mar-a-Lago ( @VanityFair) can give “A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology”, and of Orthodox Army?
“Awake, O Sleeper” (Ephesians 5:14).— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 5, 2022
In March 2021 a wide awake @POTUS called the @KremlinRussia_E chief a “killer” (, while at the 2022 ‘Awake, Not Woke’ @CPAC, a fast asleep 2020 loser praises him as “smart”( for the 2024 bid, is ‘anybloody’ even now in Vlad’s wake?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 2, 2022
To defend democracy, some use ballots (@WhiteHouse). Others, such as the “genius” ( @FoxNews), prefer ‘bullets’ (@KremlinRussia_E) to tear down the Great Gate of Kiev ( any difference from countering Capitol Hill with a tusk force?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 25, 2022
“Cracks in Western Resolve on Russia” ( @WSJ). But last year, talking about autarchy vs. democracy, the office doors of Capitol Hill were riddled with cracks: the so-called resolving (and revolting) doors.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 22, 2022
Firenze, 22.10.21
‘La Repubblica fondata su Pfizer‘, così Mario Giordano titola il 12.9.21 la sua rubrica de ‘LaVerità’ per rispondere ad un lettore e pure all’appello del Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella (“non si invochi la libertà per sottrarsi alla vaccinazione perché quell’invocazione equivale alla richiesta di licenza di mettere a rischio la salute altrui e in qualche caso di mettere in pericolo la vita altrui”), ribadendo “Non si invochi la necessità del vaccino per mettere a rischio libertà fondamentali riconosciute dalla Costituzione, come il diritto al lavoro, il diritto allo studio e la libertà di pensiero”. Read More →
@WhiteHouse After the 1948 Marshall Plan, looking at US soldiers who, behind a barbed wire, stand guard over hopeless Afghans ( ), it looks like that for the past 20 years over there we only implemented a bitter Marshmallow Plan ( ).
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) August 26, 2021