Striking a playground ( @Corriere), as the @KremlinRussia_E just did in Kyiv (whether by serendipity or by stupidity is redundant since kids aren’t simply pins), it’s like ‘Bowling for Columbine’.
Children of the World, Unite! (@UNICEF @ZelenskyyUa @POTUS)— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) October 11, 2022
After months of brinkmanship “Your time has come to shine”, @SecBlinken, especially trying to find an off-ramp of this ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ ( with Blinkenmanship (@ZelenskyyUa @KremlinRussia_E @POTUS @rusembitaly @AmbasciataUSA @USCGFlorence @UN).
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) October 9, 2022
Firenze, 6.10.22
“Ogni paese può dire e condannare quello che vuole, ma è il paese che ha indetto il referendum ad assumersene la responsabilità. Il parere degli altri è prettamente politico e non giuridico” (Fabio Mini, ‘il Fatto Quotidiano‘, 2.10.22).
Abbiamo notato dai video come i soldati russi (facenti parte di un paese in cui il concetto di democrazia, con tutti i difetti del caso, tradizionalmente sfugge) siano piombati “di casa in casa” ( ) – come puro atto di cortesia ci mancherebbe – a dare un bel “Salve!”.
Più che quelli farsa, ci mancavano solo i referendum a salve.
Giovanni Amaducci
@MedvedevRussiaE:“new regions can be defended with strategic nuclear weapons” ( @Reuters). Such remarks may be caused by alcohol abuse with the side effect of brain obnubilation which brings someone not to distinguish anymore between a beer and a bier.(@UN)
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) September 22, 2022
The Honourable Society of the UK will be eternally grateful to @KremlinRussia_E for not having bombed Westminster Cathedral while @ZelenskyyUa‘s wife was attending Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.
Because, like diamonds, missiles are forever. (@UN)— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) September 21, 2022
“A goat in Ukraine triggered tripwires that had been rigged by @KremlinRussia_E‘s forces, setting off a blast that injured several of Moscow’s own soldiers” ( @nypost @POTUS): cheaper and maybe faster than a Himars, that’s what you’d call an escapegoat.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) July 13, 2022
While people admire Kandiskij in Rovigo (IT), and the entire world is still listening to Ciajkovskij, Stravinskij, Musorgskij (‘Boris Godunov’ next Dec. 7 at La Scala), some artists (@KremlinRussia_E @MedvedevRussiaE) keep on playing a noisy and repetitive music: rocket and roll.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) June 7, 2022
Trovati “nazi-tatuaggi” su alcuni del battaglione Azov. Malgrado ciò, c’è chi (@rusembitaly) non ferma la “operazione speciale” e milioni di tonnellate di grano ucraino sono bloccati, con il rischio di crisi alimentare planetaria: non sarà che i nazi si nascondono pure nei silos?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) May 28, 2022
@berlusconi: “Deluso da Putin” (9.4.22); “Non ci sono leader. Putin non si siederà mai a un tavolo per il negoziato” (17.5.22). Ottimi oppiacei per far dimenticare che c’è chi vuole “dominare l’Europa occidentale con le forniture di gas” (
Furba Italia?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) May 19, 2022
As @KremlinRussia_E is running after presumed Nazis in Ukraine ( and @mfa_russia accuses @EU_Commission of becoming bellicose, trespassing on your neighbor’s garden using tanks with a “Z”painted on them it may be considered by future generations as Zazism.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) May 14, 2022