Posto che Nordio s’è insediato il 22.10.22 e l’alert del @TheJusticeDept sul rischio fuga di Uss è del 19.10.22, quest’ultimo non poteva scappare senza l’aiuto di uno Stato parallelo. A proposito di “Italian Job” (@GiorgiaMeloni dixit), chi sono gli “amici” in questo Putinferio?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) April 21, 2023
Artem Uss’ jailbreak became a ‘Nobody’s fault but Yours’. As R.Spogli predicted, nothing new under the shadowy sun of 🇮🇹 when energy trading is involved. Despite @TheJusticeDept‘s alert on extradiction proceedings, a pitter-patter is audible: it’s @GiorgiaMeloni‘s jailbreakdance.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) April 18, 2023
Hope fired in FL ‘cause showed ‘male nudity’ in class. Now @POTUS calls for assault weapons ban after the shooting inside a Christian school in Nashville.
No matter what @NRA seems to be Hale & hearty. Shotgun! There’s a G-rated art-house show going on at— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 29, 2023
Maybe in the grip of drunkenness (bars of Georgetown are next to @RusEmbUSA, this one in front of B.Nemstov Plz), AMB Anatoly Antonov claims that due to DU a “nuclear Armageddon is looming”. But in 2018 Tass said that “does not violate any intl. treaties”.
AA=Alcoholics Antonov?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 23, 2023
Guido “l’Italia nel momento più complesso dalla fine della 2a guerra”, @GiorgiaMeloni dixit ( da sud i migranti, da nord l’attacco sulle case green, a est Soros l'”usuraio”, ad ovest un “inadeguato” Biden.
Salvezza, se non in Flatlandia, su Flattaxlandia?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 15, 2023
“@VW puts EU battery plant on hold as it seeks €10bn from US”(@FT). Some wish to RenewEU others to #ResetEU, and @POTUS should be aware it’s still a work-in-progress. But persistent energy shocks ( may slow👇 EU’s aid to 🇺🇦. Plea bargain: give US a break.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) March 11, 2023
Was it @GiorgiaMeloni‘s twin sister the one who, snubbing Jan. 6 2021, last yr branded @POTUS as “inadequate” to handle the war in 🇺🇦? ( @ZelenskyyUa @ecrgroup @GOP)
Lord have mercy of those lookalike ponytailed conservative Donald Thump’s cheerleaders.— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 23, 2023
Kasparov in 2015: @berlusconi is a Putin’s ‘buddy’. 1 yr later @GiorgiaMeloni‘s Min. of Culture wrote P.’s hagiography ‘Life of a Czar’ (B.’s @Mondadori).
As Feb. 24 is closing in, @StateDeptspox reports of massive “deportation” of 🇺🇦’s kids by @KremlinRussia_E: @ecrgroup or ekr?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 18, 2023
In attesa che i Pulitzer d’Italia valutino i costi del trio @berlusconi-Gazprom-@eni, anomalia segnalata nel 2009 dall’@AmbasciataUsa, con la Direttiva @EU_Commission sullo stop di caldaie a gas dal 2029, che ne sarà del cosiddetto ‘Piano Mattei’?
Governa @GiorgiaMeloni o MelENI?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 13, 2023
Seeing as Turkish people cry out of heartbreak under the ruins of an earthquake having a death toll over 20,000, somehow recalls the heartache of Mariupol: hopefully, the hardheaded & hardhearted @KremlinRussia_E will be struck, not by a heart attack, but by a wise heart quake.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 11, 2023