@JoeBiden crossed 80 million votes to become US President, while @matteorenzi less than zero to be appointed Italian Prime Minister.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) December 15, 2020
First digging into PA, MI, WI, GA, TX, then, the cherry on top, into @USSupremeCourt.@realDonaldTrump Constitutional claims should be staked before Election Day (like I did https://t.co/3ZL7Sur5YC).
Maybe our Commander in Chef’s specialty is pasta with conspiracy cla(i)ms?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) December 12, 2020
Brexiters such as @borisjohnson seemed to be faster than any European Medicines Agency in order to conclude the evaluation of Covid-19 vaccines; but at the same time, curiously slow on the uptake to leave the EU ( @vonderleyen )
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) December 5, 2020
Is there anybody out there aware of the difference between a pink slip and a Freudian slip?
It could be represented by a man in the street ( @realDonaldTrump ) as he lies DOMINIONless amidst an escape from reality and a Freudian fraud. ( https://t.co/3mUzwbCY1V @washingtonpost )— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) December 5, 2020
@JZarif @vonderleyen A stuffed and transitional Thanksgiving Turkey for President-elect @JoeBiden .
Steely Don ( @realDonaldTrump ) did it again? ( https://t.co/xMzILk6tzH )— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 28, 2020
Despite @JoeBiden it could be deceiving hoping for a new Marshall Plan (1948 European Recovery Program). @GiuseppeConteIT Italian food is one of the most popular cuisine in the world. So, what’s cooking this time on the steaming stove, a mash(all) Recovery Flan? @vonderleyen
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 21, 2020
@GiorgiaMeloni Before Covid-19, in spite of the Rule of Law, what is the amount of subsidies received by the Visegrad Fraternity from the EU? ( @vonderleyen )
Let’s go for a stroll along the milky way ( https://t.co/ea7lY1I6Hh @nytimes ): the new Queen of the Rule of Jaw is born?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 20, 2020
Oh, what fun will be next Xmas to see Santa Claus riding on a one horse sleighty sleigh.
With skyrocketing contagions, the longer the transition ( @Transition46 ), the bigger the dilemma: it’s better to be sleepy ( @JoeBiden ), or sloppy ( @realDonaldTrump )?— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 12, 2020
@JoeBiden Every County counts. So, let’s Joe!
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) November 8, 2020
CC: lettere@ilfattoquotidiano.it, ferri_c@camera.it, pg.cassazione@giustizia.it, davide.faraone@senato.it, bonafede_a@camera.it, annamaria.bernini@senato.it, lettere@laverita.info, cab-reynders-contact@ec.europa.eu, redazione@huffingtonpost.it, segreteria.redazione@ilsussidiario.net, COMM-REP-IT-INFO@ec.europa.eu
Firenze, 14.7.20
“Una mossa del cavallo”, così viene bollata da ‘il Fatto Quotidiano‘ (7.7.20) – che più o meno è il titolo dell’ultimo libro del leader di Italia Viva – la volontà di scudo preventivo da parte del deputato Cosimo Ferri (IV) che ha inoltrato “al presidente della Camera Roberto Fico di sollevare il conflitto di attribuzione di fronte alla Corte Costituzionale nei confronti del procuratore generale presso la Corte di Cassazione e del procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Perugia”. Read More →