@Pontifex_it is begging for peace. As well the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, but considering Russian and Ukrainian people as one, and decreeing that “all Russia’s war are ‘holy wars’” (https://t.co/ho4Mib2GOO @KremlinRussia_E): whoever Up There, gave the licence to ki(r)ill? pic.twitter.com/yCObtOCcDG
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 28, 2022
C’è da sperare che l’esultanza di @matteosalvinimi e del mancato Presidente della Repubblica @berlusconi (https://t.co/A71BtEuV4B), sia per il fatto che un ucraino è sopravvissuto ad un carro armato passato sopra la sua macchina (https://t.co/vgDF7qcgi2): i cosiddetti think tank.
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 26, 2022
To defend democracy, some use ballots (@WhiteHouse). Others, such as the “genius” (https://t.co/weiBs4mR2z @FoxNews), prefer ‘bullets’ (@KremlinRussia_E) to tear down the Great Gate of Kiev (https://t.co/tFTW1cZdcN): any difference from countering Capitol Hill with a tusk force? pic.twitter.com/qKwsdvD2IM
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 25, 2022
“Cracks in Western Resolve on Russia” (https://t.co/eMBzRdcGdg @WSJ). But last year, talking about autarchy vs. democracy, the office doors of Capitol Hill were riddled with cracks: the so-called resolving (and revolting) doors. pic.twitter.com/xyefEtZ6sB
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 22, 2022
Chechnya (1999-2008), Georgia (2008), Crimea (2014), Donbas (2014-?): heart of Glasnost (@WhiteHouse @EU_Commission) or heart of glass (@KremlinRussia_E)? pic.twitter.com/wPq1wVcSHM
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 19, 2022
TO: sindaco@comune.scandicci.fi.it
CC: cronacafi@lanazione.net, firenze@repubblica.it, matteo.renzi@senato.it
Firenze, 19.2.22
“Hugo Boss chiude a Scandicci e licenzia 22 persone”, così ‘La Nazione’ dell’8 febbraio scorso.
Anche il Sindaco Fallani via Twitter giudica il fatto come “Incomprensibile”.
Circa un annetto fa lo stesso si sfogava affermando “Basta accostare il nome di Scandicci a Renzi… Del senatore sappiamo molto poco perché semplicemente da queste parti si è visto molto poco” (‘la Repubblica-Firenze‘, 17.1.21). Read More →
“There’s no doubt that optimum vaccination is with a booster” Dr. Fauci said on @CNBCi, but an unbooted and unboostered Italian novelist ascribes to him that with 2 shots it’s like being “fully vaccinated” (https://t.co/HGSSHjjdjV @Corriere). What about a first dose of boot camp?
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 17, 2022
Instead of wasting time, money, and energy into war games, believe it or not, leaders of the world (@POTUS @KremlinRussia_E) should have at least a green commitment toward future generations.
Unless they wish to peak their tiny red carpet ambitions ( https://t.co/gGR8u6Fd8N ).— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 15, 2022
CC: lettere@corriere.it, redazioneweb@gds.it
Firenze, 12.2.22
“Famiglia di Pietraperzia sterminata dal Covid, rabbia ai funerali… Avevano molta paura del vaccino, perciò non l’hanno fatto” (‘Corriere del Mezzogiorno’ , 5.2.22), rispettivamente di anni 81, 78, 55, 52, 50. Read More →
Bobby ( https://t.co/Y4kTocSHFr ) or Lobby? (@matteorenzi) pic.twitter.com/KlCO3n55gL
— Giovanni Amaducci (@amaduccigio) February 11, 2022