
TO: cab-andriukaitis-webpage@ec.europa.eu,

CC: maggiore@investigate-europe.eu, lettere@ilfattoquotidiano.it, segreteria.ministro@mise.gov.it, comp-greffe-antitrust@ec.europa.eu, fondazione.circolorosselli@gmail.com, info@nextenergyprogram.it, lettere@lettera43.it

Florence, Jan. 18Th 2019

Commissioner Andriukaitis,

according to the following article ( https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/in-edicola/articoli/2019/01/13/rivoluzione-5g-tra-antenne-e-i-troppi-rischi-ignorati-dallue/4893434/ ), the 27.5GHz frequency range proposed in Europe for 5G may weaken the immune system.

Italian Ministry of Economic Development ratified and just closed a “6.5 billion” euros 5G call (probably the highest one in the European Union): maybe this is because Italy, along with Malta, has recently become the only country in the EU with no more public funding of political parties?

When in Florence last May 18th for ‘The Future of European Union. The Commission Perspective‘, not only You claimed that a EU citizen can submit an issue to the European Court of Justice, but You also mentioned how Digital Economy will play a key role in the EU. Still, the point to focus on is whether a data driven society is fully sustainable for the future smart cities.

For instance, there is no clear evidence yet about a correlation between brain neoplasm and an excessive usage of mobile phones, but just 2 days ago a regional adminstrative court ruled that within six months ( https://www.lettera43.it/it/articoli/scienza-e-tech/2019/01/16/rischi-cellulari-tar/228162/ ) Ministry of Heath and Education should aware people of such potential risk.


Giovanni Amaducci

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