Giovanni Amaducci
Florence, Italy
February 6th 2016
Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg)
Hillary for America (@HillaryClinton)
Post Office Box 5256 New York, NY 10185-5256 (registered letter)
Bernie 2016 (@BernieSanders)
P.O. Box 905 Burlington, VT 05402 (registered letter)
Donald J Trump for President (@realDonaldTrump)
CC: US Government (, Securities Exchange Commission (, JPMorgan* (, European Central Bank (, The Messina Group (
race just started and the long, winding, windy, and winning road will take one of You, apart from Crusaders, to the finish line presumably out of breath (and bread too).
Three years ago a registered letter was sent to Your future predecessor (enclosed), and last December some more caffeine cues were posted and forwarded to the allegedly fraternity living on Sleepyheads Boulevard (enclosed).
American Constitution is approximately 200 years old(1787), but a heavenly Demon claims that the Italian Constitution (1948) has too many wrinkles and needs to be ‘botulinized‘. He is partly right, but how come on one hand he whispers “italian banks should be avoided”, while on the other one, through the new bad bank, he expects to manage 200 billion euros of italian non performing, but somehow “conspiring”, loans? Probably in the Bill of Rights of his Bill of Charges he would guarantee freedom only concerning AMQP inter banking communication, and high frequency trading.
Any Messianic group of hopping locusts listening between the grassroots, before they’ll be able to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds?
Sanders are usually made for smoothing woods, but if You won’t be crystal clear on bank policy, soon these tools could also be used to trim late Bloomers: and the campaign for sure will get Hillaryous to the ‘hedge’ of time. We can Trump on that.
Giovanni Amaducci